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( ) $Id$ The verbose level is ip= 14 (ldebug= F ) This is a 1-D run nxgrid, nygrid, nzgrid= 1 1 512 Lx, Ly, Lz= 6.0000000000000000 6.0000000000000000 3.2054200000000002 Vbox= 3.2054200000000002 units_general: unit_velocity= 1000000.0000000000 units_general: unit_density= 9.9999999999999956E-008 units_general: unit_length= 100000000.00000001 units_general: unit_magnetic= 3.5449077018110318 initialize_eos: ENTER initialize_eos: chiH= 2.1789599883200001E-040 13.600000000000000 initialize_eos: chiH_= 1.2080410523480002E-041 0.75400000000000011 initialize_gravity: no x-gravity initialize_gravity: no y-gravity initialize_gravity: constant gravz= -2.7500000000000000 diffusion: nothing (i.e. no mass diffusion) initialize_density: no need to read initial stratification for lanti_shockdiffusion=F. WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_temperature_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! heat conduction: nothing heat conduction: nothing heat conduction: nothing calc_angle_weights: correction_factor = 0.33333333333333331 initialize_radiation: ndir = 2 WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_temperature_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! viscous force: nu*(del2u+graddivu/3+2S.glnrho) WARNING: initialize_boundcond: invalid value of gamma, set it to 5/3! pencil_consistency_check: checking pencil case pencil_consistency_check: checking requested pencils pencil_consistency_check: performing small pencil check pencil_consistency_check: the small pencil check reported no problems pencil_consistency_check: performing full pencil check (takes a while) pencil_consistency_check: checking dependence on pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: results are independent of pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: checking diagnostics pencils pencil_consistency_check: performing small pencil check pencil_consistency_check: the small pencil check reported no problems pencil_consistency_check: performing full pencil check (takes a while) pencil_consistency_check: set lpencil_check_diagnos_opti=T in to report pencil_consistency_check: optimisation possibilities for diagnostics pencils pencil_consistency_check: checking dependence on pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: diagnostics are independent of pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: all tests passed pde: ENTER SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ calc_pencils_energy: max(p%advec_cs2) = 64736.971891697547 duu_dt: SOLVE Bcs for ux, x: < p>, y: < p>, z: < s> Bcs for uy, x: < p>, y: < p>, z: < s> Bcs for uz, x: < p>, y: < p>, z: < a> duu_dt: max(advec_uu) = 0.0000000000000000E+000 dlnrho_dt: SOLVE Bcs for lnrho, x: < p>, y: < p>, z: < a2> dlnrho_dt: max(diffus_diffrho ) = 0.0000000000000000E+000 dlnrho_dt: max(diffus_diffrho3) = 0.0000000000000000E+000 denergy_dt: SOLVE denergy_dt Bcs for lnTT, x: < p>, y: < p>, z: < a2> denergy_dt: cs2 = 2.5473021702243144 --it-----------t-------------------dt---------------rhom--------------ssm---------------TTm-------------dtu-------------dtc-------------dtnu------------dtv------- 0 0.0000000000000E+00 7.0372361480326E-04 60.3537438290059 0.00165500041475 12712.323410383 0.0000000000000 0.4476291125930 0.8942193117794 0.4476291125930 50 3.5186324982417E-02 7.0372994242477E-04 60.3536689234091 0.00165490801942 12707.249407939 0.0009272124863 0.4476130499178 0.8942273522675 0.4476130499178 100 7.0372977328093E-02 7.0373617834269E-04 60.3535951199482 0.00165481296382 12702.257756662 0.0022519727543 0.4475972193269 0.8942352762281 0.4475972193269 150 1.0555992406369E-01 7.0374165310967E-04 60.3535303384973 0.00165471746568 12697.388333527 0.0036239075774 0.4475833204276 0.8942422329968 0.4475833204276 200 1.4074712437324E-01 7.0374633323380E-04 60.3534749692109 0.00165462341390 12692.638927961 0.0049287730349 0.4475714384759 0.8942481800153 0.4475714384759 Simulation finished after 201 time-steps Writing final snapshot at time t = 0.14145087070647142 Wall clock time [hours] = 1.045E-03 (+/- 2.7778E-07) Wall clock time/timestep/meshpoint [microsec] = 36.56522 Maximum used memory per cpu [MBytes] = 16.070 Maximum used memory [MBytes] = 16.070 real 7.73 user 7.65 sys 0.03