Pencil1: iapp, nprocs, ncpus= 0 4 4 SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ bcx1,bcx2= a s s s s : a s s s s bcy1,bcy2= s a s s s : s a s s s bcz1,bcz2= p p p p p : p p p p p lperi= F F T SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ initialize_mpicomm: enabled MPI SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: pointmasses.f90,v v. 1.1 (2019/02/02 03:54:41) wlyra nxgrid, nygrid, nzgrid= 8 4 8 rprint_list: nname= 14 rprint_list: ix,iy,iz,iz2= -1 -1 -1 -1 rprint_list: nnamev= 0 rprint_list: nnamez= -1 rprint_list: nnamey= -1 rprint_list: nnamex= -1 rprint_list: nnamer= 0 rprint_list: nnamexz= -1 rprint_list: nnamexy= -1 rprint_list: nnamerz= -1 rprint_general: run through parse list rprint_hydro: run through parse list rprint_hydro: run through parse list rprint_density: run through parse list rprint_shock: run through parse list rprint_viscosity: run through parse list rprint_pointmasses: run through parse list units_general: unit_velocity= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_density= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_length= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_magnetic= 3.5449077018110318 units_eos: unit_temperature= 1.2027220936797545E-008 units_eos: cp, lnTT0, cs0, pp0, Rgas= 1.0000000000000000 -4.6051701859880909 0.10000000000000001 1.0000000000000004E-002 1.0000000000000000 initialize_grid, r_int,r_ext= 0.40000000000000002 2.5000000000000000 dVol_rel1= 2.4129321506009423E-003 dA_xy_rel1= 2.4630541871921180E-002 dA_xz_rel1= 1.2315270935960590E-002 dA_yz_rel1= 4.1719596883890299E-002 dL_y_rel1= 0.25000000000000000 xmask_den= 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 zmask_den= 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 diffusion: nothing (i.e. no mass diffusion) initialize_density: no need to read initial stratification for lanti_shockdiffusion=F. xmask_hyd= 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 zmask_hyd= 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 WARNING: initialize_energy: llocal_iso=T. Make sure you have the appropriate INITIAL_CONDITION in Makefile.local! select_eos_variable: Using rho and cs2 xmask_vis= 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 rprint_pointmasses: run through parse list WARNING: initialize_pointmasses: the masses do not sum up to one! init_uu: nothing centrifugal_balance: initializing velocity field initial_condition_lnrho: locally isothermal approximation Radial stratification with power law= 1.5000000000000000 Adding vertical stratification with scale height h/r= -2.0000000000000007E-002 -5.0000000000000017E-002 9.9999999999999978E-002 2.5000000000000005E-002 1.4285714285714287E-002 1.0000000000000002E-002 7.6923076923076927E-003 6.2500000000000012E-003 5.2631578947368429E-003 4.5454545454545461E-003 Correcting density gradient on the centrifugal force Temperature gradient with power law= 1.0000000000000000 Max global cs2 = 2.5000000000000005E-002 Sum global cs2 = 0.91164835164835156 Max global glnTT(1) = -0.76923076923076916 Sum global glnTT(1) = -91.164835164835196 thermodynamical quantities successfully set init_lnrho: nothing init_lnrho: cs2bot,cs2top= 1.0000000000000002E-002 1.0000000000000002E-002 init_pointmasses: fixed-cm - mass and position arranged START: writing to ./data/proc2/var.dat START: writing to ./data/proc3/var.dat so that the center of mass is at rest at the center of the grid. put all particles in the midplane init_pointmasses: particle positions particle 1 position x,y,z: 0.99900000000000000 1.5707963267948966 0.0000000000000000E+000 particle 2 position x,y,z: 1.0000000000000000E-003 1.5707963267948966 -3.1415913464102072 init_pointmasses: particle velocities particle 1 velocities x,y,z: 0.0000000000000000E+000 0.0000000000000000E+000 0.99900000000000000 particle 2 velocities x,y,z: 0.0000000000000000E+000 0.0000000000000000E+000 1.0000000000000000E-003 written pointmass snapshot QVAR0 START: writing to ./data/proc0/var.dat written pointmass snapshot qvar.dat write_pencil_info: pencil information written to the file pencils.list. START: writing to ./data/proc1/var.dat start.x has completed successfully real 0.34 user 0.13 sys 0.08