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( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ nxgrid, nygrid, nzgrid= 32 32 32 WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! units_general: unit_velocity= 97781.229948950713 units_general: unit_density= 1.6728000000000000E-024 units_general: unit_length= 3.0856775800000002E+021 units_general: unit_magnetic= 3.5449078083038330 unit temperature 1.0000000000000000 initialize_eos: ENTER initialize_gravity: no x-gravity initialize_gravity: no y-gravity initialize_gravity: constant gravz= 0.00000000E+00 diffusion: nothing (i.e. no mass diffusion) initialize_density: no need to read initial stratification for lanti_shockdiffusion=F. initialize_energy: nheatc_max,iheatcond= 4 nothing nothing nothing nothing heat conduction: nothing WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! resistivity: constant eta lalpha_aniso= F lalpha_tensor= F leta_tensor= F calc_angle_weights: correction_factor = 0.333333343 initialize_radiation: ndir = 2 WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! chiral_diffXX, chiral_diff, chiral_diffZZ = 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 initialize_dustvelocity: dust_chemistry = nothing recalculated: md0= 1.00000000 initialize_dustvelocity: minmax(ad)= 0.620350480 0.620350480 initialize_dustvelocity: No betad calculation for draglaw=epstein_cst initialize_dustvelocity: dust geometry = sphere WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! initialize_dustdensity: ldustcoagulation,ldustcondensation = F F initialize_dustdensity: ldustcoagulation_simplified,ldustcondensation_simplified = F F advec_ddensity: plain vanilla scheme dust diffusion: nothing gammacr1= 0.333333373 WARNING: initialize_cosmicrayflux: parameter tau was set to zero! initialize_interstellar: t_next_SNI = 0.00000000E+00 WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! initialize_interstellar: mu not set by eos: 0.620000005 initialize_interstellar: eampl_SN, kampl_SN = 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 select_cooling: WSW cooling fct initialize_interstellar: unit_Lambda 0.1811E+18 initialize_interstellar: unit_Gamma 0.3030E-06 WARNING: initialize_interstellar: using T/e instead of cv1 for diagnostics. Not yet implemented cv1 for ionization! initialize_interstellar: t_next_SNI, t_next_SNII= 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 initialize_shock: prenormalised shock_factor sum= 1.00000000 WARNING: initialize_pointmasses: the masses do not sum up to one! dist_particles_evenly_procs: npar_per_species = 1024 dist_particles_evenly_procs: ipar_fence_species = 1024 initialize_particles: dust-to-gas ratio eps_dtog= 1.00000000 initialize_particles: mass per constituent particle mpmat= 0.00000000E+00 initialize_particles: mass per superparticle mp_swarm = 4.01060570E-05 initialize_particles: number density per superparticle np_swarm= 0.00000000E+00 initialize_particles: mass density per superparticle rhop_swarm= 626.657043 initialize_particles_map: particle_mesh = cic initialize_particles_radius: mass per dust grain mpmat= 0.00000000E+00 WARNING: get_gamma_etc: gamma, cp, and cv are not constant in eos_ionization. The values provided are for one-atomic ideal gas. Use at own risk! init_uu: nothing init_lnrho: nothing init_energy: initss(1) = isothermal init_aa: nothing init_uud: nothing init_nd: Constant dust number density init_nd: nothing init_interstellar: nothing init_pointmasses: Random particle positions init_pointmasses: particle positions particle 1 position x,y,z: -3.15605178E-02 -5.58313727E-03 -1.18117444E-02 particle 2 position x,y,z: 7.98536837E-03 -6.19613118E-02 2.42583528E-02 init_pointmasses: No particle velocity set init_pointmasses: particle velocities particle 1 velocities x,y,z: 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 particle 2 velocities x,y,z: 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 set_particles_radius: nothing init_particles_number: nothing init_particles: nothing init_particles: No particle velocity set start.x has completed successfully real 0.41 user 0.36 sys 0.04